While we are no longer selling products on this website, our commitment to supporting you remains unchanged. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-818-4955 - we're here to help. For returns, we are gladly accepting them through January 31, 2025 and will do our best to make the process as smooth as possible. Thank you for allowing us to serve you. Please don't hesitate to contact us if there's anything we can do for you!

Arts & Crafts Arts & Crafts

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Arts & Crafts

Foster your child’s creative side with a fun and unique arts and crafts activity from Scientifics Direct. Help enhance their creative thinking with a fun project that prompts them to create something new.

We offer kits for you and your child to create beautiful masterpieces with any medium. Art isn’t confined to just paper and crayons, so why should you be? Try something new or give your child a gift that fills you with nostalgia.