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Magnetism Magnetism

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Nothing is quite like the addictive fun of magnets. Incredible in every way, magnetism is an enchanting science that will leave you wondering how it works. Experiment with ferromagnetic materials such as iron and steel, watch as they attract or repel each other and discover the secrets that lie in the magnetic poles of every magnet through experiments and open-ended play.

Perfect for hands-on learning, Scientifics Directs magnet products are great for the classroom or as a supplement for after school practice. You’ll be able to play games, fidget and trick the eye with our magnetism products. Our products will allow you to interact magnetic force in fascinating and counter intuitive ways.

Note that while experimenting with magnets is extremely fun, most magnets should be kept out of the reach of small children. It is very important that you check the age recommendation for any product that include magnets. Most will be rated for ages 14+ and are best suited for adult use and experimentation.