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Nature & Biology Nature & Biology

Nature & Biology

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Nature & Biology

Explore the natural world around you. Learn about plants, see how they grow and get the tools to get a look at the small bugs around you. At Scientifics, we focus on providing a unique assortment of botany kits that allow you to ‘grow what you know’. Cultivating life in soil (or water) is an amazing way to interact with our environment. This branch of biology allows you to focus in on structure, properties and the biochemical process while creating living creatures that will brighten your day.

Explore everything there is to see in the outdoor world with a scientific demonstration that can be used to supplement classroom STEM learning. With so much to see and learn, we make it easy at Scientifics Direct. We make it easy to help learn and admire the natural world around you whether you’re in the classroom or out of it.