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Thanksgiving Flash Sale

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Science Classics

Science is simply fun! These toys capture the fun of classic scientific toys. You’ll recognize some of these fun classics from your childhood while some have taken on a new twist that enhances and improves. Either way, these toys provide hours of fun and will have you and your family marveling, wondering how it does that. And they may even flood you with nostalgia as you remember spending hours looking at something from your grandparents’ house.

Before you know it, you’ll spend hours watching a science demonstration and want to look up everything about what causes that scientific phenomenon to react that way. Fidget, display and hold science in your hands. Perfect for the classroom or homeschooling, these fun classics don’t have to be confined to school hours.

Our unique collection of science classics will provide hours of engaging fun as you won’t be able to look away from these wonders. It’s easy to learn science principles in every discipline from biology to physics to magnetism and more.