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Microscopes Microscopes and Magnification

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Microscopes & Magnification

Uncover the world at its cellular level. A great addition to any homeschooling curriculum, you’ll be able to introduce even more lessons to the classroom. At Scientifics Direct, we provide the tools to make examining the world on a microscopic scale easy with microscopes and slides available for almost every age level.

Whether you’re new to microscopes or have more experience, there’s a microscope for you. With a wide selection of compound biological microscopes used to view blood cells, cheek cells, parasites, bacteria, algae, tissue, and thin sections of organs, you’ll be able to select a microscope to meet your needs. This type of microscope is used to view samples that cannot be seen with the naked eye. We even feature some that can attach right to your smart phone to help keep science in your back pocket.

We also offer prepared slides, slide making kits and accessories to add to and complete your learning experience. For more practical everyday use, we offer hand held magnifiers as well as binocular for up-close terrestrial viewing.